segunda-feira, 2 de novembro de 2015

Night Shots

Here some night shots of Amsterdam.

For this I applied a technique that I was reading about being the best, it goes against common sense in some way.
If you think that for the night you should open more the iris and give more shutter time, this is not exactly the truth.
In fact by taking shutter time no longer than 15 sec and apperture between F4.5 ~ 9 provides much better results.
The shutter time being longer takes an higher risk of moovement, the  apperture is just good to create a very good deep focal lenght, to get everything in focus with very good detail.
By closing it more it looses light and demands higher speed.

All pictures are not edited.

So these are the results.

All shots have been taken with speeds no longer that 15 sec and iris F4,5  ISO 100~200 ASA

quinta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2015

Sunset at La Defene

The coulors of sunset generate interesting reflections and very good perspectives with shadows over the New Arch.

The view from inside is interesting to explore different perspectives,

To the rear the construction area provides silhouetes of the cranes 

The pictures were taken between F8 and F11 to ensure proper focus and deep of field, ISO 100 and speed 1/125 to 1/160.

Hope you like it and witing for your comments.

sábado, 8 de agosto de 2015

La Defense - Paris - by night

Night brings the different lights of the buildings and again reflections generate a completely different environment.

this pictures were lonh exposure wih ISO 100  F8 or F10 and between  3 and 15 sec.

La Defense - Paris - Looking for urban textures

The urban forms of each building can create textures either by a combination of buildings through diferent points of view or by looking at macro level at each building.

light is changing along the day and making these textures different at each hour.

Here a combination of 3 different buildings  provide a combination of textures.

At macro level the windows form patterns.

An interssting sight combining the window closer t sunset hour and vegetation,

Combination of buildings on a horizontal point of view.

La Defense - Paris 1st day

A trip I made in May to Paris introduced me to a new area wich proporcionated and amazing exploration of architecture and lights on a very modern and controversial area.of Paris: La Defense

On my arrival around 12h with clear skies with hard light, th ereflections on the buildings were amaxzing.

The clouds provided a dramatic impact and a sense of deep on the pictures.

Here follows my shots.

The settings used were 100 Asa F13 and speed between 1/125 and 1/200

This one had some post to contrast the sky and enhance the reflections on the glass facade.

The volumes of the buildings provide an interesting view against the sky.

Colorimetry and textures provided interesting contrasts

Diferent perspectives and exploring diferent point sof view changing the perspective to bring more spectacular effects of th evolumes and lines.

The architecture  of this area is a real chalenge to the photographer, the following articles will show the lighst as they change completely the look as the sun is mooving and the textures.