segunda-feira, 2 de novembro de 2015

Night Shots

Here some night shots of Amsterdam.

For this I applied a technique that I was reading about being the best, it goes against common sense in some way.
If you think that for the night you should open more the iris and give more shutter time, this is not exactly the truth.
In fact by taking shutter time no longer than 15 sec and apperture between F4.5 ~ 9 provides much better results.
The shutter time being longer takes an higher risk of moovement, the  apperture is just good to create a very good deep focal lenght, to get everything in focus with very good detail.
By closing it more it looses light and demands higher speed.

All pictures are not edited.

So these are the results.

All shots have been taken with speeds no longer that 15 sec and iris F4,5  ISO 100~200 ASA